What is a Function?
What is their structure?
A function is a coded input and it's corresponding output. It is structured by creating an input then adding code to do something to the input to give us an output.
Variable A variable is an object in coding which can be assigned different values and can be used to evaluate different things.
When do we use conditional statements (i.e. if else statements? We use conditional statements when we need to evaluate different variables or types of information. They let us tell the code to do something but only if something else is within the parameters.
What is an event listener?
When do we use them?
An event listener is something we use to tell the code to listen for a certain action given by the user. We use them to make a function happen when the event happens.
What is an array?
When do we use them?
An array is a type of code that takes many inputs and randomly outputs of them after the user completes a specific action(i.e. clicking the screen). We use them with event listeners, they work as a great team.
What are the different types of information in Javascript? In javascript, there are three types of information, a string, number, and boolean.
How do we refer to the different elements in an array? To refer to different elements within an array, we use numbered labels starting from 0 and going to however large necessary.
What is math.random? When do we use it? Math.random is a function that is already defined in javascript that chooses a random number within the certain parameters you give it. We use it to choose a random numbers which can give us random outputs from a selection of inputs.
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